
Video walkthrough, Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry


ar-app, 2021

Tonio Mundry's work “Jungle” can be seen as a virtual intervention in a room. Of the Visitors enter the work of art via tablet, whereby they are physically in a room and themselves can move through the virtual work of art at the same time. The physical movement causes a constant change of artwork, reflecting components of our real world and personal Reflect the artist's memory fragments. The abstract composition of city architecture, Landscapes, artificial objects and photographs from personal experiences break through this usual spatial understanding and the usual perception of the viewer. through the constant movement, the components in the virtual space merge into a fragmented one undefinable jungle. Abstract objects with a metallic effect and haze serve as the only ones Constants in the image that deconstruct and connect the space at the same time. The one through the Glitch triggered by physical movements creates disturbances in the 3D geometry and in the Perception.
In Jungle, images collide which, through the artist's staging, raise the issue of spatial awareness and examines the limits of perception and plays with the expansion of human consciousness.

Jungle is part of EIGENHEIM Edition #5 – Digital Art Collection

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry

Jungle, 2021, Tonio Mundry